Updated on 4 February 2015
> Poison (and also extra poison, super poison and smoke spells) can now also be applied to any NPC, except for NPC's immune to poison (as listed
> The Giant Mole has been added as an Elite slayer task
> The Giant Mole will not burrow as often as it used to
> The Giant Mole is now registered in your POH bookcase
> Wingman Skree (GWD, Armadyl boss room) and the Giant Mole now also have poisonous attacks
> The Giant Mole now also drops metal spades (uncommon)
> The drop rate on mole claws has been buffed a lot and is now a common drop (once every 2 - 10 kills)
> The Mole Claw's special (when operating a pair of claws) will now
always apply poison on your next non-zero hit. Previously, it only applied poison some of the time rather than guaranteed on your next non-zero hit.
> The Mole Claw's special can now be used against the Giant Mole to stop it from burrowing (this lasts until it dies)
> The Giant Mole's lair is now completely multi-combat
> Fixed Giant Mole drops for Ironman mode players
> The damage you deal to a Giant Mole no longer resets when the Mole burrows