Since the percentage on the loading screen is boring af, but the old "short stories" didn't exactly work well (because half the story got skipped over too fast and they got boring after a while anyway), I would like to get a whole list (dozens or even hundreds) of small one-liners that either give you a useful in-game tip or present the player with a small joke (related to RS/RSPS/PkHonor/hamster would be best, but doesn't necessarily have to be). We could display a random and individual hint/joke at each loading screen stage (not related to whatever line came before or after).
I'll see about making the loading screen go smoother and making sure each line is displayed for at least 3 - 5 seconds so people have time to read it.
Anyone can put in an 'application' by making a post in the following format:
We'll select the ones we think are best and hand out 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000 and 1000 credits to the 5 people from whom we're using the most oneliners. You're allowed to take them from other sources, but originality is always a plus! We're certainly aiming towards having (much?) more game hints than jokes.
Good luck!