Fairly simple, once it reaches 20 damage, it reverts to regular poison (basically, as if you drank a regular anti-poison potion), starting at 6 damage and slowly going down as if you were poisoned by super weapon poison.Azu rite wrote: Yes people eventually die, as expected. Last time you commented on venom you made it sound as if it wasn't going to act the same as osrs. As for not keeping it at 20 each time, you don't magically get better if you get snake bitten in real life, same with osrs, so why would you take less damage on pkh?
Can you give more information about what you plan on doing once the damage caps at 20 on here, without me having to log on to test is myself?
However, if/when you are poisoned, an enemy can always re-apply venom, starting again at 6 and climbing up to 20.
I did consider some minor variations of this approach (making it hit 20 a couple of times before reverting to regular poison, or making the poison start at 20 and going down to 0), but this one seemed like the best (and simplest to understand) so far. Venom once again introduces a very strong new mechanic to the game, and we don't want it to completely ruin the wilderness. We may decide to make further alterations to the workings of venom (perhaps only in PvP) depending on community feedback. It does need to remain balanced.
Also, most venomous animals aren't lethal to humans, despite common belief. Most snake, spider and scorpion bites will be very unpleasant, but won't kill you, unless you have certain allergies.
Look up the amount of "people killed by venomous animals" worldwide. The numbers may shock you