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22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pets

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:32 pm
by Mike
Hardcore Ironman Mode has been released!


In addition to the standard Ironman Mode restrictions, Hardcore Ironman Mode (HCIM) players only have one life. If they die outside a safe area, their stats on the highscores will be frozen and their account will revert to regular Ironman Mode (there will also be a PoH bookcase entry of the time of death). The stats you had at the time of death will be shown as striked-through on the highscores. However, after you die, you can still compete in the highscores of regular Ironman Mode players. There is currently no separate icon for Hardcore Ironman Mode players, but we might add one in the future.

When dying at a safe activity, you will not lose your status. These include: Duel Arena, Pest Control, Castle Wars, Clan Wars (except in wilderness mode), Fight Cave, Fight Pits and Zombie minigame.
In any other situation, dying will result in losing your status. So be careful at in a Player-Owned House dungeon in PvM mode or Clan Wars with wilderness mode enabled. Dying at Zulrah or while having a salve (e) amulet equipped will not save your hardcore status either when you die, even though your items are protected in both of these situations.

I am also glad to announce that after more than 3 years of randomly disappearing pets, I have finally figured out the piece of code that is responsible for the disappearances. Today's update contains a fix that should stop them from vanishing into nothing.
Basically, if you closed your client the very second that you log in, your pet would be gone (I managed to test and confirm this). There may also have been other causes, possibly when logging out during teleportation, but I cannot confirm those since I could not reproduce them. Either way, no matter the cause, it should no longer be an issue now!
Of course, I cannot with 100% certainty confirm that pets will no longer disappear from now on, so if you do encounter a lost pet (and you can't find it in your refund box), please post a refund and a bug report in the appropriate forums.

In other news:
  • Fixed the trapdoors at Castle Wars not working
  • Fixed a bug where multiple waves would spawn if you spamclick the TzHaar Fight Cave entrance, or if you leave and immediately re-enter the cave after logging out and back in
  • Fixed a visual bug where your looting bag interface would still remain open (and show items despite being banked) if you bank the looting bag while having the interface open
  • Fixed Pest Control NPC's sometimes spawning inside the portal, causing them to be stuck

In the meantime, I keep working on the Rune Pouch, Menagerie and a couple other small inventory enhancing features (coal bag & essence pouches) in preparation of Ultimate Ironman Mode and Hardcore Ultimate Ironman Mode, along with several bugfixes and improvements that have been long awaited by the community.

But first a Christmas event! Coming to you within the next 2 days.

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:10 pm
by Mr etho
Good Stuff. Time to become #1 HCIM.

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:12 pm
by I s 2 5 0
Well done, Mike. HCIM btw.

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:32 pm
by Respire1337
Amazing updates Mike! But why the HCIM don't have the actual hardcore armour?

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:37 pm
by Mike
Respire1337 wrote:Amazing updates Mike! But why the HCIM don't have the actual hardcore armour?
We don't have the hardcore armour in our game (our items only go as far as the ones OSRS had in September 2016). I'd need to do a big update where I add all the items, maps and NPC's from September 2016 to now in order to get it.

I guess the normal Ironman armour will have to do for now. Once we get the actual HCIM armour, I can swap all the armour that current hardcore players have.

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by Mr etho
Mike, why not use these icons?


Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:48 pm
by Skiller
After menagerie and the pouch, client upgrade? :)

Awesome work though mike, thanks!

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:00 pm
by Mike
Skiller wrote:After menagerie and the pouch, client upgrade? :)

Awesome work though mike, thanks!
Something like that, I suppose. We'll see ;)

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:04 pm
by Ryan
First HCIM to get a 99. Hype

Re: 22 December Updates - Hardcore Ironman, no more lost pet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:07 pm
by Mr etho
Ryan wrote:First HCIM to get a 99. Hype
::setlevel hacker.

I am first legit 99