Todays updates - wilderness & clue scroll improvements
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:09 pm
Updated on 17 March 2016
> The Thermonuclear Smoke Devil and Giant Mole their drops have been slightly buffed (see
> You can now only use the lever in the KBD lair when standing right next to it - being one or more spaces away from it will no longer work
> Fixed a bug where you wouldn't get any slayer XP or slayer points from kill a barrows brother if you had them as a slayer task but left the burrow too fast
> Fixed a bug where you could get a new tier 1 emblem from a Bounty Hunter kill even if you hadn't
> Fixed a bug where the person who got killed (rather than the killer) would get 50 - 250 extra PkHonor Points if the killer is ranked first on the leaderboards
> Fixed a bug where a killstreak shown on the leaderboard couldn't be higher than 255 (the maximum is now 65,535)
> The Frost dragons in the deep wilderness can no longer attack players who are inside the agility course. They will also no longer pile someone, so no more than 1 or 2 Frost dragons at any time will be aggressive towards a specific player.
Updated on 16 March 2016
> Transformed players can no longer enter the wilderness
> Players can now kill honor players within the wilderness, regardless of combat level, but honor players cannot retaliate.
> Honor players can no longer teleport to others within the wilderness, nor can they use ::tele to teleport within the wilderness. We have not yet added any new honor features to compensate for this, but those will be added soon.
> New players under starter protection cannot enter the wilderness.
> Fixed a bug where the maximum hit, attack and defense levels of Glacies (the Nex minion) and the Kalphite Queen 2nd form were far too low (this bug was introduced in an update 2 weeks ago)
> You will no longer get any of the 6 barrows brother as a specific slayer task - instead, you can now only receive "Barrows Brothers" as task, where any brother will do to complete the task.
> Glacors are now non-aggressive towards players if the player is already attacking someone else (just like every other wilderness NPC outside multi-combat zones)
> The Kalphite Queen & Dagannoth King lairs are now accessible to anyone, even if you haven't completed any achievements. However, you will not get any hand cannon or dragon defender drops until you have completed the appropriate amount of achievements.
> New players now receive an additional 10 super strength potions (4), 10 super attack potions (4) and 50 noted sharks as starter items.
> The new player starter protection has been lowered to 20 minutes instead of 30 minutes. This means you can trade, stake, PK etc. as of 20 minutes.
> New players can participate in Bounty Hunter as soon as they have played for at least 30 minutes (used to be 2 hours minimum)
> Fixed a bug where being in a too low wilderness level with a Bounty Hunter target assigned would result in a negative timer. As of now, being in too low level wilderness for too long can result in a penalty (as it should be).
> You can now have more than 1 Bounty Hunter emblem at any time (as it used to be when we first implemented Bounty Hunter).
> The rewards for Bounty Hunter emblems have been slightly rebalanced, you now get 1K, 2K, 3.5K, 5K, 8K, 12K, 18K, 26K, 35K and 45K Bounty Hunter points (for tier 1 - 10) instead of 500, 1K, 2K, 4K, 7.5K, 17.5K, 25K, 35K and 50K points.
> The artifacts you can get as a drop from Bounty Hunter kills now all have a different value. Instead of a fixed value of 25M, they now have a value of 5M, 10M, 12M, 15M, 20M, 22M, 24M, 26M, 28M, 30M, 35M, 40M, 45M, 50M, 100M, 150M and 200M (valued in the same order as listed here: This means the average value is now 47M. However, their droprates have been slightly lowered.
> The overall chance on receiving a clue scroll from monsters has been increased
> All bosses now have a much higher chance of dropping a hard or elite clue scroll - generally, the harder the boss, the higher the chance. The WildyWyrm, Nex and the Chaos Elemental have the highest chances of all, followed by the Corporeal Beast and Nomad.
Keep in mind: all wilderness monsters have higher chances than monsters outside the wilderness and the WW, KBD & Chaos ele have a higher chance of dropping elite clues rather than hard clues.
Aside from all bosses, some high level NPC's also have higher chances of dropping clues, including Bork, all Nex minions (Glacies, Cruor, Fumus & Umbra), Ice Strykewyrms, Tormented Demons, Glacors, Mithril Dragons, POH Dragon Guardian and POH Revenant Guardian.
> Defeating TzTok-Jad can now also result in you receiving an elite clue scroll (unlike all other bosses, it doesn't give hard scrolls)
> The Frozen Waste Plateau in the deep wilderness (North of the Glacors, East of the agility course) now has 10 Frost dragons, available for all players. The Ice warriors have been removed and it is no longer a WildyWyrm spawn location. The entire area is multi-combat.
> All Frost dragons now also drop elite clue scrolls (on the next client update, their combat level will be changed to 275 - the minimum required for elites)
> All Frost dragons now have a chance of dropping 1 - 3 noted frost dragon bones, on top of the unnoted one that always drops
> There is now a Rocktail fishing spot available in the wilderness to all players - see the image below for its location (regular players can now also purchase living minerals from the general store).
Frost Dragons & rocktail locations:

This weekend's event: revenants, meaning +20% on all drops, double slayer points and pkpoints on kill!
Starts in:
Ends in:
> The Thermonuclear Smoke Devil and Giant Mole their drops have been slightly buffed (see
> You can now only use the lever in the KBD lair when standing right next to it - being one or more spaces away from it will no longer work
> Fixed a bug where you wouldn't get any slayer XP or slayer points from kill a barrows brother if you had them as a slayer task but left the burrow too fast
> Fixed a bug where you could get a new tier 1 emblem from a Bounty Hunter kill even if you hadn't
> Fixed a bug where the person who got killed (rather than the killer) would get 50 - 250 extra PkHonor Points if the killer is ranked first on the leaderboards
> Fixed a bug where a killstreak shown on the leaderboard couldn't be higher than 255 (the maximum is now 65,535)
> The Frost dragons in the deep wilderness can no longer attack players who are inside the agility course. They will also no longer pile someone, so no more than 1 or 2 Frost dragons at any time will be aggressive towards a specific player.
Updated on 16 March 2016
> Transformed players can no longer enter the wilderness
> Players can now kill honor players within the wilderness, regardless of combat level, but honor players cannot retaliate.
> Honor players can no longer teleport to others within the wilderness, nor can they use ::tele to teleport within the wilderness. We have not yet added any new honor features to compensate for this, but those will be added soon.
> New players under starter protection cannot enter the wilderness.
> Fixed a bug where the maximum hit, attack and defense levels of Glacies (the Nex minion) and the Kalphite Queen 2nd form were far too low (this bug was introduced in an update 2 weeks ago)
> You will no longer get any of the 6 barrows brother as a specific slayer task - instead, you can now only receive "Barrows Brothers" as task, where any brother will do to complete the task.
> Glacors are now non-aggressive towards players if the player is already attacking someone else (just like every other wilderness NPC outside multi-combat zones)
> The Kalphite Queen & Dagannoth King lairs are now accessible to anyone, even if you haven't completed any achievements. However, you will not get any hand cannon or dragon defender drops until you have completed the appropriate amount of achievements.
> New players now receive an additional 10 super strength potions (4), 10 super attack potions (4) and 50 noted sharks as starter items.
> The new player starter protection has been lowered to 20 minutes instead of 30 minutes. This means you can trade, stake, PK etc. as of 20 minutes.
> New players can participate in Bounty Hunter as soon as they have played for at least 30 minutes (used to be 2 hours minimum)
> Fixed a bug where being in a too low wilderness level with a Bounty Hunter target assigned would result in a negative timer. As of now, being in too low level wilderness for too long can result in a penalty (as it should be).
> You can now have more than 1 Bounty Hunter emblem at any time (as it used to be when we first implemented Bounty Hunter).
> The rewards for Bounty Hunter emblems have been slightly rebalanced, you now get 1K, 2K, 3.5K, 5K, 8K, 12K, 18K, 26K, 35K and 45K Bounty Hunter points (for tier 1 - 10) instead of 500, 1K, 2K, 4K, 7.5K, 17.5K, 25K, 35K and 50K points.
> The artifacts you can get as a drop from Bounty Hunter kills now all have a different value. Instead of a fixed value of 25M, they now have a value of 5M, 10M, 12M, 15M, 20M, 22M, 24M, 26M, 28M, 30M, 35M, 40M, 45M, 50M, 100M, 150M and 200M (valued in the same order as listed here: This means the average value is now 47M. However, their droprates have been slightly lowered.
> The overall chance on receiving a clue scroll from monsters has been increased
> All bosses now have a much higher chance of dropping a hard or elite clue scroll - generally, the harder the boss, the higher the chance. The WildyWyrm, Nex and the Chaos Elemental have the highest chances of all, followed by the Corporeal Beast and Nomad.
Keep in mind: all wilderness monsters have higher chances than monsters outside the wilderness and the WW, KBD & Chaos ele have a higher chance of dropping elite clues rather than hard clues.
Aside from all bosses, some high level NPC's also have higher chances of dropping clues, including Bork, all Nex minions (Glacies, Cruor, Fumus & Umbra), Ice Strykewyrms, Tormented Demons, Glacors, Mithril Dragons, POH Dragon Guardian and POH Revenant Guardian.
> Defeating TzTok-Jad can now also result in you receiving an elite clue scroll (unlike all other bosses, it doesn't give hard scrolls)
> The Frozen Waste Plateau in the deep wilderness (North of the Glacors, East of the agility course) now has 10 Frost dragons, available for all players. The Ice warriors have been removed and it is no longer a WildyWyrm spawn location. The entire area is multi-combat.
> All Frost dragons now also drop elite clue scrolls (on the next client update, their combat level will be changed to 275 - the minimum required for elites)
> All Frost dragons now have a chance of dropping 1 - 3 noted frost dragon bones, on top of the unnoted one that always drops
> There is now a Rocktail fishing spot available in the wilderness to all players - see the image below for its location (regular players can now also purchase living minerals from the general store).
Frost Dragons & rocktail locations:

This weekend's event: revenants, meaning +20% on all drops, double slayer points and pkpoints on kill!
Starts in:
Ends in: