Reminder: +50% XP weekend!
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:17 am
I'd like to remind you all that starting Friday morning and ending Monday morning, we'll be having a +50% XP weekend. Please keep in mind that this does not apply to ironman mode accounts (considering less than 2/3rd of our community was in favor of that). There's a good chance that ironman mode players will receive bonus XP weekends in the future, but probably not for the next couple of months.
+50% XP starts in:
Ends in:
I'll also do my best to finish the (automated) deep wilderness drop parties and will make sure to be holding at least one or two this weekend and/or next week. Stay tuned!
Oh and the mass DC issues at the hosting provider seem to have completely stopped - for the time being, at least. Let's hope it stays that way for good now, since they have assured us that they've done their best to work out a permanent solution, so we can maintain a 100% dc-free gameplay experience.
+50% XP starts in:
Ends in:
I'll also do my best to finish the (automated) deep wilderness drop parties and will make sure to be holding at least one or two this weekend and/or next week. Stay tuned!
Oh and the mass DC issues at the hosting provider seem to have completely stopped - for the time being, at least. Let's hope it stays that way for good now, since they have assured us that they've done their best to work out a permanent solution, so we can maintain a 100% dc-free gameplay experience.