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Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:18 pm
by Mike
The system, the shop and the items appear to be ready (apart from one item that will be added later - the rune pouch). However, there's one issue that needs addressing still:

For those who don't know, bounty hunter works like this:
When you get a target and you kill it, you get an emblem. You can choose between trading this emblem at the BH shopkeeper for 500 BH points, or you can risk the emblem and try to kill another player. If you die, the emblem is automatically lost, but if you win, the emblem is upgraded by one level.

Each time it's upgraded, you can make the same choice (trade in or risk for a higher level). If you manage to win each time and get all the way to a level 10 emblem, you can trade it in for 50K points (which is almost enough to buy a chaotic weapon).
Needless to say, getting 10 kills in a row is really hard, but if you can work together with a group of friends and have the wilderness (almost) all for yourself, it's pretty easy to abuse.
We already have checks in place to make sure you can only get the same target twice if you've killed at least two other players in between, but that may not be enough.

I'm considering to add a limitation where you cannot get the same target (or someone with the same IP as the target) assigned within 6 hours.
On top of that, I'd like to stop people from avoiding targets they don't want to kill. We already have penalties where you cannot get a new target assigned for a few minutes if you leave the wilderness, but for people with a bit of patience, this isn't really a problem (and can result in huge rewards. I want to add something that really dissuades people from wilfully avoiding targets, for example bigger time penalties each time you do it (until you kill a target or die by one) or if you avoid a target, you need to kill 2 targets before your emblem will upgrade further.

Lastly, considering the difference between a level 1 and a level 10 emblem is huge (500 vs 50K points), I think it might be worthwhile to lower the amount of points you get from higher tier emblems, while at the same time lowering the prices of BH shop items that have a high price.

Just a few ideas, please let me know what you think and whether there are other things we can do to prevent abuse while making the minigame as enjoyable as possible.

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:24 pm
by Ross
Gz on 3k posts.

Also, just make server announcements (which can be toggled) when a person has killed a significant amount of bounties without dieing; if the person is legit then it's all good but if bigdickboi69 who has 12 hours played is on a 20 bounty streak then a witch hunt will occur and he can be dealt with.

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:26 pm
by Couches123
Gratz on 3k posts and ty for the news

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:34 pm
by K1l1l1l1l1l1
It's all fun and games until your target has full druid/ divine and there's no way to counter since mage hits further than range. In which case, there shouldn't be a penalty for avoiding the target.

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:43 pm
by Aresee
Sever announcement was suggested earlier and it really does help. I was staff member on [not named your for viewing pleasure] and one of the main ways we caught cheaters was seeing who was getting streak after streak. Granted, if they were careful they could get a very nice streak going on, but we made it to where it wasn't worth the time to cheat because to be careful doing it to not get caught was just as slow as not doing* it at all.

>Toggling it publicly would get a huge influx of reports that people would have to sift through and could be a negative.
>Toggling "[name]'s streak of [#] ended by [other name]" is pretty fun to see but could start yell beef.

I think you're doing a very good job worrying about the abuse, there are a bunch people whom I know that would love to just camp a wildy teleport and get themselves/a friend for a target every single time..I'm glad you're thinking about it before release. Keep up the good work Mike.

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:58 pm
by Azu rite
Have you seen the wilderness? There's no way we should be forced to get the same target for 6 hours, there's hardly anyone in the wilderness at any given time, most I've seen recently was 10, and that was a good day, it's normally only 3-6

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:10 pm
by Marco
Noobinho wrote:It's all fun and games until your target has full druid/ divine and there's no way to counter since mage hits further than range. In which case, there shouldn't be a penalty for avoiding the target.

Exactly what i said in my head when i readed the main post

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:11 pm
by Aresee
Azu rite wrote:Have you seen the wilderness? There's no way we should be forced to get the same target for 6 hours, there's hardly anyone in the wilderness at any given time, most I've seen recently was 10, and that was a good day, it's normally only 3-6
It's something that's going to happen in passing..just because someone isn't your target doesn't mean you can't kill just means you're not going to get BHP from it. It's the difference between making it abusable and making it worthwhile to even do. If people want to have different BH targets then they're more than welcome to spam for some more people to come to the wilderness and PK.

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:12 pm
by Hoard
make bounty hunter in oldschool wilderness only :D

Re: Some more on bounty hunter

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:14 pm
by Azu rite
Aresee wrote:
Azu rite wrote:Have you seen the wilderness? There's no way we should be forced to get the same target for 6 hours, there's hardly anyone in the wilderness at any given time, most I've seen recently was 10, and that was a good day, it's normally only 3-6
It's something that's going to happen in passing..just because someone isn't your target doesn't mean you can't kill just means you're not going to get BHP from it. It's the difference between making it abusable and making it worthwhile to even do. If people want to have different BH targets then they're more than welcome to spam for some more people to come to the wilderness and PK.
You really don't understand how these things work....

You're not going to abuse if the timer is reasonable, it wouldn't be worthwhile going into a wilderness with 3-6 people if you're just going to have to wait for 6 hours after 3 fights >.>