Rise or fall wrote:And @Chris - That is really a fucked up way of seeing things, and quiet the ass kissing.
I don't see how it's fucked up or ass kissing at all. I'm giving my honest opinion about something.
Rise or fall wrote:You been here for what, a year? So you'd receive the title ex-staff when you decide to quit.
Just about a year, yes. Also, yes, I would receive the Ex-Staff Title if I decided to resign.
Rise or fall wrote:What makes you any better than say, Moab?
He held SEVERAL different positions, never was demoted for anything inappropriate or for breaking the rules. He spent nights helping stop dupers, solving cases and keeping the staff team in check.
I haven't ever said that I'm better than anyone, and I definitely am not better than Moab was. Even though I wasn't around during the time that he was a Staff Member, I still know a little about him, and what positions he held. The only difference between myself and Moab (based on your brief description) is that I haven't done anything to stop dupers, because there simply hasn't been a dupe case. Everything else that you listed that Moab has done, I've done as well.
Rise or fall wrote:So just because he wasn't staff for this current time frame, all his loyalty and hard work in the past basically goes unnoticed.
His hard work and loyalty hasn't gone unnoticed in the slightest. For one, you noticed (and still remember) all the hard work that he put into PkHonor, right? I wasn't there during his time, but I still recognize him as a respectful ex-Staff Member. Mike, Rapsey, Dylan, Maurits, Stefan, Patel, etc etc...they all remember how hard he worked as a Staff Member. Just because he isn't receiving this rank (which again means absolutely nothing) doesn't mean that everything he put into PkHonor is unnoticed, because it's most definitely noticed and greatly appreciated.
Also, @Hayden, if I were in their shoes, I simply wouldn't care if I got the rank or not. Why? Simply because every other server that I have played, and been a Staff Member on did not give any ex-staff rank when I resigned. Once you resign or get demoted, that's it. You're just a normal player again, end of story. Might just be me, but that's just my opinion on things.