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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:01 am
by Rgh
1 tap wrote:In-game username:1 Tap
Are You donator/Prem status? Both
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Both
Total Level: 2278
Timeplayed(::timeplayed)504 Hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Bylug
What was your previous clan? (If any) None
Honor Name:(If you have One) Could get if needbe.
Death or Comp cape: In middle of getting Death now.
Seba9117 wrote:Application to Join
In-game username: Seba9117
Are You Normal/donator/Prem status?: Premium
Ive got Void set
Combat Level:125
Total Level:1982
Timeplayed(::timeplayed):102 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? : None
What was your previous clan? (If any): None
Honor Name:(If you have One) Death or Comp cape(edited) None
Accepted, welcome to the clan!


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:07 am
by Ralacyron
In-game username: Ralacyron
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Bandos
Total Level: 1675
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 59 Hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Rgh
What was your previous clan? (If any) N/A
Honor Name:(If you have One) N/A
Death or Comp cape: None


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:38 pm
by Tokemon
In-game username: Tokemon
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Bandos
Total Level:2278
Timeplayed: 204
Who Recruited you? if anyone? No one
What was your previous clan? (If any) none
Honor Name:(If you have One) Tokes Honor
Death or Comp cape: no, need quest for max cape


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:55 pm
by Agnehz
In-game username: Agnehz
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem status
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Torva and pernix
Total Level:2278
Timeplayed: 364
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Xcedric
What was your previous clan? (If any) Agnehz
Honor Name:(If you have One) none
Death or Comp cape: none


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 6:19 pm
by Rgh
Ralacyron wrote:In-game username: Ralacyron
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Bandos
Total Level: 1675
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 59 Hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Rgh
What was your previous clan? (If any) N/A
Honor Name:(If you have One) N/A
Death or Comp cape: None
Denied. Applied for another cc, didn't meet reqs regardless.
Tokemon wrote:In-game username: Tokemon
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Bandos
Total Level:2278
Timeplayed: 204
Who Recruited you? if anyone? No one
What was your previous clan? (If any) none
Honor Name:(If you have One) n/a
Death or Comp cape: no, need quest for max cape
Agnehz wrote:In-game username: Agnehz
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem status
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Torva and pernix
Total Level:2278
Timeplayed: 364
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Xcedric
What was your previous clan? (If any) Agnehz
Honor Name:(If you have One) none
Death or Comp cape: none
Accepted, welcome to the clan!


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:18 am
by Do u pvm
n-game username: Do u pvm.
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem.
Combat Level: 125.
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Both.
Total Level: 1568
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 221 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Allthewayup is my dad. Big Cheech recruited me.
What was your previous clan? (If any) n/a
Honor Name:(If you have One) n/a
Death or Comp cape: n/a


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:40 am
by Iron noble
In-game username: (Iron Noble / Twerkygirl)
Are You donator/Prem status? (donator / Prem)
Combat Level: (123) / (126)
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? (bandos/Void) / (Void)
Total Level: (1873) / (2232)
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) (86) / (386)
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Big Cheech
What was your previous clan? (If any) (none) / (don't remember, "was discharged however (honorably)".)
Honor Name:(If you have One) (N/A)
Death or Comp cape: (N/A)


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:09 pm
by Slasher235
In-game username: xXAJ47Xx
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? yes
Total Level: 2191
Timeplayed: 826
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Michaelbuble
What was your previous clan? None
Honor Name: Honor AJ47


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:22 pm
by Bloated face
Slasher235 wrote:In-game username: xXAJ47Xx
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? yes
Total Level: 2191
Timeplayed: 826
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Michaelbuble
What was your previous clan? None
Honor Name: Honor AJ47
Iron noble wrote:In-game username: (Iron Noble / Twerkygirl)
Are You donator/Prem status? (donator / Prem)
Combat Level: (123) / (126)
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? (bandos/Void) / (Void)
Total Level: (1873) / (2232)
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) (86) / (386)
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Big Cheech
What was your previous clan? (If any) (none) / (don't remember, "was discharged however (honorably)".)
Honor Name:(If you have One) (N/A)
Death or Comp cape: (N/A)
Do u pvm wrote:n-game username: Do u pvm.
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem.
Combat Level: 125.
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Both.
Total Level: 1568
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 221 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Allthewayup is my dad. Big Cheech recruited me.
What was your previous clan? (If any) n/a
Honor Name:(If you have One) n/a
Death or Comp cape: n/a


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:15 am
by King zhenra
In Game Name - King Zhenra

Are You donator/Prem status? - Premium
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? - both
Total Level: 2241
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 316 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Doyleville
What was your previous clan? (If any) Business
Honor Name:(If you have One) dont have one
Death or Comp cape: niether