Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:27 am
Isaac wrote:Although I would probably want this option because I largely PVM, I still think that a 'Completionist Cape' should engage with all aspects of the game. I was never a very good PKer, but the Comp Cape requirement got me into PKing, and now I actually quite enjoy it.
I think the purpose of the 'Wilderness Rejuvination' scheme of these diaries is to improve the PKing scene which is, quite frankly, dead at the moment. By giving the option for double PVM requirements it pits the two communities (PvM + PvP) against each other even more. It's a no from me.
i agree here, its a 'completionist' cape. it is unfair to others who have had too pay for a service or grinded it out themselves, i am a skiller. not even a pvmer or pvper but i am well aware of what is required for the completionist cape and im slowing going for it myself.