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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 1:38 pm
by Rapsey
James wrote:I've got like 5k kills and I'm fairly sure that I would barely have 100 kills at mage bank. Change that requirement to level 49+ wilderness (or whatever level it is north of the wilderness fence).
Grizzly mint wrote:i agree with james on the mage bank kills. i have over 4k kills spread on multiple accounts and i doubt i have more than 50 near mage bank.
Azu rite wrote:Good luck getting 100 kills neat mage bank when hardly anyone goes out there.
"Don't put anything there because no one goes there" is a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy tbh. Could also turn it around and put stuff there so people have a reason to go there. I'm not suggesting we do this mindlessly, that would make it very difficult to complete the tasks once the initial rush is over. Just don't ignore the opportunity to bring areas to life that have been dead until now. That's also why I initially suggested MB rather than the whole deep wild area. We don't have the players to make large areas active, but if we focus on bringing smaller areas to life it might work. (also in smaller areas it would be significantly harder to boost without anyone noticing)
James wrote:Edit: The 40 choc-ices from glacors seems a bit excessive too. As someone who plays purely to PK I don't really want to spend hours killing a thousand glacors.
Then don't? :P It's not a PK'ing diary. If you only want to PK I'd imagine you just wouldn't do a diary which is 50% PvM activities. Of course I do agree the scale of the tasks should be balanced but spending a few hours killing glacors doesn't seem so excessive tbh.
A iron girl wrote:I think drops might make it a little unreliable and someone might get really mad after not getting a required item after very high kc. Why not just remove drop requirements and add kc requirements instead?
That's why we initially only used drops for items that aren't very rare. We wanted to mix it up a bit so it's not just 15 tasks of "get X kills of NPC Y".
Jon wrote:For those of us who were already forced into the wilderness once before (already have comp capes), why should we be forced to enter the wilderness yet again to wear a cape we already worked for? Is it solely to boost wilderness activity just because this is PkHonor?
I2aw origins wrote:Yes I understand that reqs will change periodically but this is a huge change all of a sudden. Especially since most of these (or even all maybe) aren't even logged yet, some people who have put hundreds or thousands of hours to get the current comp cape reqs is just going to be shafted.
No, it's not just to stimulate Wilderness activity, though of course we hope it does. Don't forget that we're talking about the completionist cape here, the cape for having completed all quest/tasks/achievements. We're not just going to stop adding new content simply because a bunch of people have obtained their capes and want to be able to continue wearing them without doing anything. To the best of my knowledge that's what the completionist cape is supposed to be.
Jon wrote:What happens when everyone does obtain these new wilderness requirements, and the wilderness becomes empty again? Will they just be tossed away and redone to boost wilderness activity again?
They won't be redone. If it turns out that one of the tasks is bad or gets massively boosted we may change that one task of course, but overall it's there to stay. The 500 kills req being reworked into this is a special case because frankly, with all the boosting it needs to be reworked. Bear in mind that I am in favor of compensating those who already had (part of) that requirement, by letting it count as having completed one or more of the new tasks.

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 1:50 pm
by Azu rite
No one goes there because there's no incentive to, adding a ridiculous requirement to wear a cape isn't going to change that in the long run. Once every pker rushes through the kills it will be dead yet again. You want incentive to go there? Add pking hot spots....

Reguarding the rng based could get lucky and complete them in a few kills or literally spend hundreds of hours trying to complete them... Tasks should not be rng based.

Edit: lovely pic showing possible hotspots found in in-game suggestions


Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 1:51 pm
by Ross
Will the Comp Cape temporarily revert to a Max Cape whilst we re-obtain the completionist goals or are we just going to be shafted?

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:39 pm
by Iron bubble
Simon wrote:It seems like most of these tasks are just a time consuming laundry list of repetitious tasks.

I think diaries should be kept simple, yet challenging and diverse.

Things like:
- Kill a wildywyrm while wearing a ring of vigour (Vigour is an untradable 20k bh points ring)
- Buy an imbue scroll and imbue a seers ring. Kill a player while wearing said ring. (Requires 45k bh points).
- Obtain a green dragonhide set from scratch in the wilderness. Use it to kill 5 revenants without banking.
- Smith a rune set from scratch in the wilderness (including a rune scimitar.) Use it to kill the chaos elemental without banking.

These are examples of tasks that are not grindy, but still require a level of commitment.

Edit: Re-reading over the current task list, I really have to say that it seems kind of silly. 100 laps at the agil course? Everyone with a comp cape already has 200m agility. I really think it's silly to add a 50-hour list of tasks as an extraneous, repetitive requirement for the comp cape.

Also, here are some more ideas for tasks:

- Recharge a DFS in your POH by talking to your KBD heads.
- Kill 5 spiders with one red chinchompa (45 wildy spiders).
- Use your chaos elemental pet to block damage from a chaos elemental hit.
- Kill a frost dragon and bury the bones in front of the chaos altar in level 13 wildy.
This is how the diary should look like, well designed Simon.

Edit: Why is the Comp cape even BiS, I know it's hard to get, I have enchanted myself but can we lower the Str of the Comp cape down to +7, along with a slight nerf on the remaining stats and keep the Max cape at +5, and then introduce the TokHaar Kal as a reward for completing these diaries and then paying the wise old man a fee of 2-3b. The Tokhaar-kal would be Bis strength cape with comp capes original stats, but it would lack any magic or ranged bonus and instead have a slight buff in melee attack stats (+12 slash, stab, crush). Keep in mind, this cape would be BiS Melee cape, but the Comp cape would still retain it's +10% magic and ranged damage.

And then in the Comp requirements you can require players to sacrifice this cape as part of the payment for Comp Cape.

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:17 pm
by The underdog
Azu rite wrote:Kbd shouldn't even be in the wilderness to begin with...
Good luck getting 100 kills neat mage bank when hardly anyone goes out there.
You should have a old school wilderness requirement since it's dead content.
If You want more people pking near mage bank then add pking hotspots
Or a knife in a sack on the floor between both spiderwebs at magebank so you can't get stuck in the middle without a slash weapon and die for bills *COUGH*

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:24 pm
by Accumulate
Slowly release the requirements like a challenge series or something. Sticking tons of requirements down at once will just make people quit.

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:26 pm
by Accumulate
How about, make ragging bannable via PVP mods. That'll get wildy activity up.

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:27 pm
by Rapsey
99 5killz wrote:Slowly release the requirements like a challenge series or something. Sticking tons of requirements down at once will just make people quit.
And losing the ability to wear your comp cape 10 times instead of once will make less people quit? I'd imagine if that happens every week people would start getting really pissed. ;)

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:39 pm
by Accumulate
Rapsey wrote:
99 5killz wrote:Slowly release the requirements like a challenge series or something. Sticking tons of requirements down at once will just make people quit.
And losing the ability to wear your comp cape 10 times instead of once will make less people quit? I'd imagine if that happens every week people would start getting really pissed. ;)
So you think dropping everyone into a shitstorm is going to fix things? You aren't thinking long-term at all. When everyone gets comp again then what? More challenge? No, wildy will die again. Just add a few things worth doing in the wilderness that are effective instead of this out of touch solution. Did you not think getting 200m all skills was tough enough?

Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:40 pm
by Karl25 pk
Great idea cant wait :D