Updated on 23 November
> Ironman mode players can now play Pest Control games on their own
> Falconry has been fixed (didn't work anymore)
> You can no longer use ::pure before finishing your character creation. We'll probably look into resetting the appropriate combat stats for the ironman mode players who did use the command (tomorrow).
> You'll no longer get a bounty hunter penalty due to server restarts
> Cutting an onyx into bolttips now results in 500 bolttips instead of 10
> Ironman mode players can no longer kill NPC's in someone else's Player-Owned House Dungeon (however, they can still kill the NPC's in the skilling center dungeon)
> Fixed a bug where Ironman mode players couldn't always pick up their own arrows or items for NPC's they had killed themselves
> Cows now properly drop cowhide, bones and raw beef
> The ranged store has been fixed for Ironman mode players and now contains a shortbow and bronze arrows
> Requirements for donator/premium as Ironman have been changed:
For donator, you now need 1 quest
or all achievements
or level 99 in at least 5 non-combat skills
For premium, you now need 2 quests
or level 99 in at least 10 non-combat skills
> You can now choose to either buy or create 1,000 enchanted onyx bolts for the Wise Old Man achievements. Ironman mode players can only create them themselves.
> Ironman mode players will now get their kills and deaths in the wilderness counted (especially considering you need 500 kills in the wild for the comp cape). Boss requirements for comp cape will be taken care of soon.
Bzink00 wrote:Rick wrote:Wow wait, 500 Onyx Tips? Thats really alot Mike?
Perhaps like 100-200..? But 500 really is too much imo?
having to get 5-10 onyxes is way too much that why i think 500 is a good amount
A single onyx is easily worth 50M or more. Onyx bolts (e) can be bought in the ranged store for 20k each. If you divide 50M over 500 bolts, that's still 100k per bolt for the onyx material alone.
It really shouldn't be less than 500 per onyx. If anything, you should get more because it still isn't worth making them yourself as a regular player, at all.
At least Ironman mode players now have a decent way to get the bolts.