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Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:53 am
by Grizzly mint
Azu rite wrote:Full kills without taking any damage: 3
100% going to be boosted, even if you rush someone you're going to take damage from their veng
also recoil, and deflect prayers.
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:09 am
by Hoard
Hoard wrote:
what if we have already gotten most of those drops? could we trade them in somewhere to get that achievement? As irons only ofcource
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:24 am
by Migetmanz
I feel like there needs to be like 10 easy addition to the hard ones.. like kill 5 staff members, get a Ko with barrelchest anchor, get a kill with 1hp, have 10 double deaths, just weird stuff like that
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:26 am
by Migetmanz
Strdargoba wrote:To add to this, I just noticed that the PvP tasks also have to be done on only bounty hunter targets? I feel like that's pretty impossible given our current wilderness only has peak times and even if pvmer's are counted as the BH kills, it's still going to be near impossible IMO
basically just to prevent boosting, which is important.
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:40 am
by Skiller
Smh mod double post
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:45 am
by Slap a ho
Migetmanz wrote:I feel like there needs to be like 10 easy addition to the hard ones.. like kill 5 staff members, get a Ko with barrelchest anchor, get a kill with 1hp, have 10 double deaths, just weird stuff like that
No. Comp cape isn’t meant to be easy. Kill 5 staff members? That’ll never happen. Adam & mims are the only ones I’ve seen actually pking. The rest just... moderate...
I’d like to see some KO with unique items like anchor, d2h, dbow, handcannon, dmace, etc. stuff like that would add some variety, but I’m not sure a lot of people would get behind that.
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:30 am
by Wir3d
Slap a ho wrote:Migetmanz wrote:I feel like there needs to be like 10 easy addition to the hard ones.. like kill 5 staff members, get a Ko with barrelchest anchor, get a kill with 1hp, have 10 double deaths, just weird stuff like that
No. Comp cape isn’t meant to be easy. Kill 5 staff members? That’ll never happen. Adam & mims are the only ones I’ve seen actually pking. The rest just... moderate...
I’d like to see some KO with unique items like anchor, d2h, dbow, handcannon, dmace, etc. stuff like that would add some variety, but I’m not sure a lot of people would get behind that.
LOL but why tho? You know how hard it is to ko someone with anchor, d2h, dmace? Kill with 1hp? Unless you got rng it'll be so hard to get a single kill with those weapons. Why make it rng based when before it was just a certain task that required time to do it. I can easily see these being boosted if these were introduced. Why would people try to accomplish this when they can get a friend and just do the kill and get it over with within minutes. Having tasks that require you to spend time to do it makes more sense to me. Unless you want people to sit there and dh rush people with 1hp in hopes of a single kill.
Instead of all these rng based achievements to do, just set a number of things to do. It's gonna cause more problems rather than fix things.
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:50 am
by Slap a ho
I’m not disagreeing. That’s why I said I don’t see people getting behind it. Just gets boring with ags, claws, and gmaul KOs. Be nice to see some form of variety. Also it would only apply to Bh targs, hopefully limiting the amount of boosting.
But it’d be dope to see some brid fights and anchors used or some shit. Also, it’d still take time to do. I’m not saying 50 kills with an anchor or whatever.. we’re talking about one kill. It’s very possible to do that, but as you said, it just takes time
Did you miss the part on mikes post where the pvp challenges only apply to Bh targs?
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:12 am
by Ruler
I wouldnt add d2h kills.or.something but claws, ags, cmaul and dds for example could be nice.
X amount of teleblocks on people 30+ wildy?
I agree with most on the 3 kills without receiving any damage. Only motivates people to farcast and rush.
Not sure why nobody posted about allowing normal players to skip the pk part as well. That is a big no-go for me. Perhaps there are enough people that focus on pvming and skilling and not on pking. We already have enough pvm and skill requirements though. The comp cape is to show you've done something in all aspects of the game, including pking. Especially because people are not pkers, you want them to start pking. Perhaps they start to like it and continue pking. There have been lots of people that started pking just for the 500 pk requirement. Wouldn't want to see otherwise. I can say that I, and I think a lot of others as well, will have the comp cape back within a day if we can just skip the pk part and do double the pvm part. I recon most have the kill requirements already anyways.
Re: Current wilderness achievement diary tasks
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:20 am
by Wir3d
Forgot BH boosting is completely gone, my bad. No way could anyone just sit in edgy, keep relogging to get his friend as target, wont be that long since there are limited people in wildy, and just get a kill with said weapon. If we want people to come to wildy, we shouldn't limit them to certain weapon they "have" to use to complete a task then never use that weapon again. I agree, it would be fun to see people use a variety of weapons, but since there are only a handful of spec weapons people rely on to get kills, it wont change anytime soon.
Im trying to say is, rather than put more rng based achievements into the diary, put some stuff that takes actual time to do where people can learn mechanics of pking if they are new and for the people that are already know what to do, its just a simple task which won't hinder their pking experience rather than make them use a certain weapon they wouldn't normal use. We want to welcome people to the wildy to enjoy that aspect of the game, rather than force them to wildy to do a certain task with a certain item that they are not familiar with or won't ever use it again and make it miserable for them to complete a single task.
I would rather see an achievement where it forces people to get a kills above level 20 wildy than see people attempt to pk with a failed weapon in level 1 wildy. I just dont want to force people to pk a certain way to get a task done and then be done with it forever and never used again. The hype will be there for the first couple weeks but it'll die out again once people are done with the task. Make it where a player stays interested in entering wildly knowing he can have fun pking rather than limit him on what he can and can't use.