Ingame Name: Accounts: Only 7 days, pure 7 days, Big boy iron
Time Played: Around 1400 hours combined over accounts.
Do you have any experience pking?: I have a decent experience with Pure pking, and team pking pking on low builds with wars on both old school and a couple of the larger pking servers, full disclosure i have applied in the past with my main ''only 7 days'' ( many many months ago) I have little to no nh experience, but will learn as i go, im a fast learner and will react well learning in the field, plus will get help from friends established in the clan already for the more one on one learning when it comes to Nh and Dh practice.
Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: Very basic bridding knowledge with the pure pking i have done, again something im super excited to improve on and will strive to get better, warring i'v had more than my fair share of experiances with, pure pking and scheduled/ uncheduled war events are something i love to do, like anyone theirs always room for improvement but i do love those activities the most within the pking genre style of playing.
To go further in depth on this, with my experience warring, which iv done large wars and smaller wars, mostly with friends or groups i met ingame with low risk setups, i was able to take initiative in opportune freezes and in situations were i was the person making call outs, i was very focussed and kept track of who was taking most damage, who was tanking the most and who we might need to focuss our efforts on, i made quick decisions under stress and got the job done. In situations were i was not the person making call outs, i was quick to follow instructions, and always kept up pressure for the other team.
I would like to list some of my strengths and weaknesses just incase that may help:
-Eager to learn
-Have a background in group Pk scene
-Low level (pure heavily foccused) pking
-Follows instructions well
-Very Communicative
-Very active (i'm english but most nights and days can be on anytime if needed.
-Bridding (mainly confidence and switches)
-Main pking
all my weaknesses i plan to work on to great lengths.
Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): whiist
Why do you want to join: I want to join this clan because i believe its the one most suited to me, i perhaps might not be amazing at certain styles of pking, listed in weaknesses, but i believe the people in this clan would be able to help me to improve, i would also like to join this clan because i have a lot of love and respect and long term friendships with a few members, i just want to get in on the fun, i would like to login and the first thing i see is something going on, additional help needed, something new everytime these things are a huge interest and i want to find my permanent clan, which i firmly believe nh to be. i want to not only pk on a daily basis and talk to like minded people whilst doing so but learn in the field, ask questions and have a laugh, weather it be pking with the clan, or having members fight me to help me improve my skillsets in other pking styles.
Timezone or country: England.
Previous clan: The lounge.
(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes communication is key. Count me in on this.
Ps: I know i made this application with little to know experiance in the nhing, but my hopes is you give me perhaps a week trial and see how i am in the field, i have a few accounts currently, listed above with plans to make different combat account brackets and pk builds. I have tried to be as upfront as i can with my application and put a lot of work into it, to let you exactly know what kind of player i am, and to decide weather or not i would fit in with your clan, yes there are feilds of pking i am terrible at, but i am a player with a sheer determination to learn, so please consider this application, regardless thank you very much for taking the time to read this and i know its alot of text and could be annoying but i just wanted to be 100% honest.
The pure im planning to pk for the most part on i have been prepping supplies and gear, its not much but its deffinatly a nice starter and this is what i have to begin with, i'm not sure weather or not i'l be training prayer for smite or protect item but if yes i have some spec weapons at the ready or for some no protection fights if i'm feeling saucey
anyway thank you for reading everyone
- pure 7 days