Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:01 am
none of us "staff team" get paid to do anything that we do, we do everything for the love of the server for forgive us if once in a while we have a life to live and cant have a staff member on 100% of the time throughout the days, admins in reality don't have to show there face, what is required from an admin doesn't even involved logging in most of the time. what Ryan and Ely do has always been out of damn love for the server, would you rather Pure rick or Maurits to return? we saw how that went.
this server has had its ups and its down but saying we are understaffed is completely wrong, if you take in the amount of consistent players we have compared to the staff we have i would say we are actually over staffed, if you believe there could be better staff then by all means go find them because there's a high chance Ryan would have already seen them and proven they aren't staff worthy
majority of us who are still on this server aren't 12, if someone cant handle a cheeky little chat about porn hub or a few dicks and vaginas or cant they handle a bit of clear friendly banter then Maybe the adult internet just isn't for them.
what i do agree with is the loophole about being able to say the N word, i have never been a fan of how one N word is against the rule, the other isn't.
us staff members can only carry so much weight, the community is the biggest leader in what makes a game thrive, the amount of shit that has been said or done to mods in threats of doxing, irl threats and much more is disgusting, we will go out of our way to show respect for the community but that only last so long if the community doesn't know how to show it back, we aren't robots, we are on this game for the love of it and to watch it thrive. Some of us mods have been here throughout the highest of player bases to the lowest (13 online) so i can promise you we have respect and love for this game.
the glory days you were around in are just no more, they never will come back and that's just the absolute reality of Runescape in general
this is no way a shot at you what so ever, i felt fair answer was warranted to everything that was mentioned
this isn't just to legit nukes which props on them for having the balls to say what they feel, use a discussion like this to give ideas, if you have better staff members then shit get them to apply, feel you know someone that could run this show better than its being ran currently, say it.
want rules changed, mention it. the community runs the show, if you want something done then mention it in a reasonable way.
this server has had its ups and its down but saying we are understaffed is completely wrong, if you take in the amount of consistent players we have compared to the staff we have i would say we are actually over staffed, if you believe there could be better staff then by all means go find them because there's a high chance Ryan would have already seen them and proven they aren't staff worthy
majority of us who are still on this server aren't 12, if someone cant handle a cheeky little chat about porn hub or a few dicks and vaginas or cant they handle a bit of clear friendly banter then Maybe the adult internet just isn't for them.
what i do agree with is the loophole about being able to say the N word, i have never been a fan of how one N word is against the rule, the other isn't.
us staff members can only carry so much weight, the community is the biggest leader in what makes a game thrive, the amount of shit that has been said or done to mods in threats of doxing, irl threats and much more is disgusting, we will go out of our way to show respect for the community but that only last so long if the community doesn't know how to show it back, we aren't robots, we are on this game for the love of it and to watch it thrive. Some of us mods have been here throughout the highest of player bases to the lowest (13 online) so i can promise you we have respect and love for this game.
the glory days you were around in are just no more, they never will come back and that's just the absolute reality of Runescape in general
this is no way a shot at you what so ever, i felt fair answer was warranted to everything that was mentioned
this isn't just to legit nukes which props on them for having the balls to say what they feel, use a discussion like this to give ideas, if you have better staff members then shit get them to apply, feel you know someone that could run this show better than its being ran currently, say it.
want rules changed, mention it. the community runs the show, if you want something done then mention it in a reasonable way.