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Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 10:27 pm
by James
The underdog wrote:A venenatis 2.0 won't be too popular I guess, relatively no worthwhile drops, but I guess it's one of the best looking pets so there's some demand to get it. But soon as people have the pet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I like the new boss, but long term popularity of it is questionable.
Also there's more and more (annoying) slayer bosses added without a new space to block another slayer task.

Still like the new boss, just my feedback.
Seems way easier to kill than that OP spider on steroids. Drops also seem fairly consistent. This boss receives the Candy Bars seal of approval.

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:04 pm
by Gethigh udie
Keep the great work & updates coming. :thumbsup:

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:10 am
by The underdog
James wrote:
The underdog wrote:A venenatis 2.0 won't be too popular I guess, relatively no worthwhile drops, but I guess it's one of the best looking pets so there's some demand to get it. But soon as people have the pet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I like the new boss, but long term popularity of it is questionable.
Also there's more and more (annoying) slayer bosses added without a new space to block another slayer task.

Still like the new boss, just my feedback.
Seems way easier to kill than that OP spider on steroids. Drops also seem fairly consistent. This boss receives the Candy Bars seal of approval.
Tested it for a longer while and it seems fine indeed, it's fine coz karl didn't teach it to git gud.

Can hit 50s, but that's that, no pain in the butt mechanics.

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:01 pm
by Mike
The underdog wrote:
James wrote: Seems way easier to kill than that OP spider on steroids. Drops also seem fairly consistent. This boss receives the Candy Bars seal of approval.
Tested it for a longer while and it seems fine indeed, it's fine coz karl didn't teach it to git gud.

Can hit 50s, but that's that, no pain in the butt mechanics.
The defence stats of Callisto are somewhat lower than Venenatis, while also having more drops and being more profitable. I didn't exaggerate when I stated that Callisto is amongst the most profitable bosses in the game. Possibly the most profitable, definitely very close to KBD and chaos ele.

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:44 pm
by Amount
Migetmanz wrote:How am I going to decide what monster to kill this week! With zam event and Callisto being released.. someone has to beat Kaymahn1..
With two choices and a whole week on your hands, I'm sure you'll figure out something.

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:07 pm
by James
Amount wrote:
Migetmanz wrote:How am I going to decide what monster to kill this week! With zam event and Callisto being released.. someone has to beat Kaymahn1..
With two choices and a whole week on your hands, I'm sure you'll figure out something.
But as a moderator he is required to play 10 hours a week, how can you expect someone to kill 2 bosses in 10 hours?

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:31 am
by The underdog
Migetmanz wrote:How am I going to decide what monster to kill this week! With zam event and Callisto being released.. someone has to beat Kaymahn1..
How about nex :(

Re: 12 November Updates - Callisto

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:52 am
by Migetmanz
The underdog wrote:
Migetmanz wrote:How am I going to decide what monster to kill this week! With zam event and Callisto being released.. someone has to beat Kaymahn1..
How about nex :(
I did nex today :) I want a zaros gs so bad.. also did jad :)