Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

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Should we change max cape stats and (enchanted) comp cape stats and requirements?

Leave max cape stats as they are
Lower max cape stats to what they are in OSRS
Leave max cape requirements as they are
Lower max cape requirements to only require 99 in all skills. Move all other max cape reqs to the comp cape.
Leave completionist cape stats as they are
Lower completionist cape stats to infernal cape stats +2 (so 6/3/3 offense, 14 defense, 10 str, 4 pray)
Add Inferno, ToB and CoX as regular comp cape reqs
Add Inferno, ToB and CoX as enchanted comp cape reqs, not as regular comp cape reqs
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Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Mike » Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:52 pm

This is a point that has been discussed more than once in the past, but with the introduction of new endgame content (I'm obviously talking about the Inferno), it's important that we settle on something that the community feels comfortable with.

First of all, let's get one thing out of the way: the stats for the max cape and completionist cape as we currently have them in PkHonor were (mostly) based off the stats in RuneScape as they were at that time. However, pre-eoc RuneScape has had a lot of issues with power creep with newly introduced items being far too strong.

In OSRS, the infernal cape is the strongest cape in the game. However, aside from the strength bonus, the max cape as we have it in PkHonor is already better in every way than the infernal cape. The completionist cape even more so.

Which begs the question: should we nerf our max cape to have the same stats in OSRS? And should we subsequently also nerf our completionist cape stats so that it is still the best in slot in every way, but does not provide the kind of bonuses as it does now?

Another question that is being put forward is whether really hard to beat minigames, such as the inferno and Theatre of Blood (and Chambers of Xeric when released), should be a requirement for the completionist cape. There has been a suggestion to make this a requirement for enchanted completionist capes, but not for regular comp capes. Certainly something to consider.

Cast your votes and let your voices be heard! Future polls may be set up about this to further work out specific aspects of these capes. Also keep in mind that poll results are mostly meant to get a rough idea of how the community feels about specific issues. Proper reasoning is at least as important and in the end it's up to us to decide what we feel is best for the server. Still, we value the opinion of our community very highly.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Jwiss » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:09 pm

I suspect few members of the server are concerned about power creep. It could be argued that having way overpowered items is kind of the point of an RSPS. If we were concerned about power creep, then a discussion around the existence of custom whips should have been had long ago.

Another option with the infernal cape could be to buffing those stats above what they are in OSRS, and make that cape better than the max cape. The Inferno is a very difficult challenge, and it should ideally have a reward equal to that level of difficulty.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by The underdog » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:30 pm

If I want to play osrs, I can play osrs. If I want the pkhonor experience, these things are a part of that and that's what I choose.

Max cape is in a really good position, it's an all rounder cape but not best in slot for magic and not for melee either if you don't have comp. It's good for range, not sure if better than avas. It's just all round good. If you want to copy osrs it would require a crazy amount of rebalancing. Not a fan.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Mike » Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:13 pm

Jwiss wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:09 pm If we were concerned about power creep, then a discussion around the existence of custom whips should have been had long ago.
Quite right, and custom whips is something that many in the community seem to be a fan of. There's not really any reason for us to remove or nerf them.

Not a lot of support for changing the current state of affairs, but there is quite some support for having Inferno, ToB and CoX as enchanted comp cape reqs. Not a problem for me, and it's good to know where the community is at. Also kinda feels like we made the right decisions in the past. Still, that doesn't mean we shouldn't revisit them from time to time to see if our "custom" content still fits in the current state of the game.

I suppose having max cape require more than just 99 in all stats also helps to justify its stats.

Thank you for your input everyone, it's interesting to see where everyone is coming from. Keep it coming, I want as many opinions about this as we can.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Church » Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:01 am

This feels like it's close to one of Jagexs "game integrity changes", where the community will never want the proper changes to be made. I think we should bite the bullet.

After changing the requirements for max, comp, and ench comp, max and regular comp should be slightly nerfed, leaving inferno a place to act as a BIS for a time, and then ench comp should be the hardest thing in the game to get.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Kenneth » Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:33 am

If we continue down this road, fresh content will be made pointless and this game will die. Dont give us what we want give us what we need. We need a rebalance.

Lets take Chambers as an example, There are 12 items on the unique list. Three of these items are already in the game (dex, arcane and claws) The elder maul has a 135 crush and 147 str bonus while our chaotic maul that can be obtained just by chopping trees has a 167 crush and a 155 str bonus. The dragon hunter crossbow will not be able to keep up with the dps of the chaos blowpipe (nothing does) not only will this item be without a use but every range weapon in the future will also be made useless. Already before the content has been released 5 out of the 12 potential drops are completely worthless.

The Ancestral set also may be power creeped due to not only our Virtus armor but 3rd age druidic aswell. Testing would have to be done to find out which is better but if its also on the fringe, you'll see players gravitate to Virtus because of it inevitably cheaper cost and health point bonus. Making that 8 of 12 items on day of release.

This isn't the first time this has happened either. Looking at the Ghrazi rapier, the chaotic rapier being not only a stronger option but also cheaper and more easily obtainable (even to ironmen)

I hate seeing how much time and effort that gets put into these updates and gets waisted because of power creep. This will only continue as more updates come along.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Iron adam » Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:56 am

Kenneth wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:33 am If we continue down this road, fresh content will be made pointless and this game will die. Dont give us what we want give us what we need. We need a rebalance.

Lets take Chambers as an example, There are 12 items on the unique list. Three of these items are already in the game (dex, arcane and claws) The elder maul has a 135 crush and 147 str bonus while our chaotic maul that can be obtained just by chopping trees has a 167 crush and a 155 str bonus. The dragon hunter crossbow will not be able to keep up with the dps of the chaos blowpipe (nothing does) not only will this item be without a use but every range weapon in the future will also be made useless. Already before the content has been released 5 out of the 12 potential drops are completely worthless.

The Ancestral set also may be power creeped due to not only our Virtus armor but 3rd age druidic aswell. Testing would have to be done to find out which is better but if its also on the fringe, you'll see players gravitate to Virtus because of it inevitably cheaper cost and health point bonus. Making that 8 of 12 items on day of release.

This isn't the first time this has happened either. Looking at the Ghrazi rapier, the chaotic rapier being not only a stronger option but also cheaper and more easily obtainable (even to ironmen)

I hate seeing how much time and effort that gets put into these updates and gets waisted because of power creep. This will only continue as more updates come along.
All facts. It's not about nerfing our current OP items. It's about rebalancing them so there is a place for all this new content. There are so many different stats and special effects that we can manipulate so the new items and our old items have their place in the game. Maybe we make one of the rapiers have higher strength while the other has higher accuracy. Items like the Dragon Hunter CB and Lance are great examples of balanced items. They are best in slot at certain places but not the whole game. We do need to fix items like the whip of chaos and blowpipe/chaos comp. Until we address all of these things, people will continue to complain about new content being useless.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Uim elon » Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:53 am

Sorry Mike,

But my brain quite comprehend all of the options above..... too many letters....

But what I was thinking about on my drive today, is to think of the Max and Comp capes and Good and excellent capes.... here is what I mean....
Spoiler: show
Melee attack bonus Tiers

Decent- Skill cape
Good- Max cape
Great- Fire cape
Excellent- Completionist cape
Best- Inferno cape

Range Attack bonus
Decent- Skillcaps
Good- Max cape
Great- Avas accumulator
Excellent- Completionist cape
Best- Avas Assembler

Magic attack bonus
Decent- Skillcaps
Good- Max cape
Great- God cape
Excellent- Completionist cape
Best- Imbued god cape
This structure would simply have stats to reflect these tiers (I’m tired so I cba right now showing proposed stats), and this doesn’t take into account any enchantments, just base cape stats.

This type of structure would force players to make sacrifices when choosing what cape to wear for what activities. Do they want Max DPS but sacrifice some defense? Do they want to do multiple activities without bringing cape switches?

Just a thought I had.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by Brant » Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:55 am

Elon musky wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:53 am Sorry Mike,

But my brain quite comprehend all of the options above..... too many letters....

But what I was thinking about on my drive today, is to think of the Max and Comp capes and Good and excellent capes.... here is what I mean....
Spoiler: show
Melee attack bonus Tiers

Decent- Skill cape
Good- Max cape
Great- Fire cape
Excellent- Completionist cape
Best- Inferno cape

Range Attack bonus
Decent- Skillcaps
Good- Max cape
Great- Avas accumulator
Excellent- Completionist cape
Best- Avas Assembler

Magic attack bonus
Decent- Skillcaps
Good- Max cape
Great- God cape
Excellent- Completionist cape
Best- Imbued god cape
This structure would simply have stats to reflect these tiers (I’m tired so I cba right now showing proposed stats), and this doesn’t take into account any enchantments, just base cape stats.

This type of structure would force players to make sacrifices when choosing what cape to wear for what activities. Do they want Max DPS but sacrifice some defense? Do they want to do multiple activities without bringing cape switches?

Just a thought I had.
This, Comp cape would be overall more defensive, and the alerter, imbued god cape, and inferno cape should be best for dps.

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Re: Max and completionist cape stats and requirements

Post by The underdog » Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:46 pm

You shouldn't force new equipment and stuff to be the best available imo. Can always put a pure cash drop instead or something else to balance it.

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