First point
I've noticed a bit more toxicity in the community recently to a handful of pkers/clanners, and I've personally grown tired that it's lasted this long. I get that staff and owners don't want to be too overbearing when it comes to punishing people for doing as they please, but if it's effecting a larger portion of the community I don't think it'd be beneficial to allow the toxicity to continue. This can be said for both the pker, and the pvmer that they killed. Seeing the constant bickering back and fourth has grown old and knowing that some of these pkers are bug abusing to get kills with no repercussions, or hot fixes, also grows old. Although a hot fix to some bugs would be ideal, I know it's not how things work, but I also know it shouldn't take as long as it has for some of these to be fixed. I'll hope those who see this can help link some of these bug reports on this post.
Second Point
Updates still taking as long as they always have. I'll admit that there has been some amazing updates this last year, and I remember Rapsey saying that there probably hasn't been much progress recently, but a simple update to the community letting us know why it's been so quiet would be appreciated. Looking at Mike recently stating that the Inferno should be released soon seems to have hyped up the community in a good way and I think little things like that could go a long way, even if it's just being transparent and saying there hasn't been much going on.
Third Point
This goes almost hand in hand with updates, but it'd be nice if we could get a spreadsheet of what's planned for PkHonor and where Mike and Rapsey plan to take the server in the future. It'd be nice if we could get deadline for things so we know when future updates come, of course with the community knowing that it has to be flexible. I know Mike didn't expect to take as long as he has on CoX, but the transparency has helped some understand.
There's been so many good things going on, I'm just saddened that I haven't been wanting to log in recently because I know what to expect as far as the toxicity goes, and going home and seeing all the afk accounts. I truly do want PkHonor to do good, I just don't know what else I can do besides vent