UIM Dream Gear

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Re: UIM Dream Gear

Post by Cancerstick » Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:26 pm

until you want to go to tob.... or when death isnt allowed in cox and you need to go gather all your gear again

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Re: UIM Dream Gear

Post by Fungamer » Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:17 pm

Cancerstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:26 pm until you want to go to tob.... or when death isnt allowed in cox and you need to go gather all your gear again
y grind raids as ironman if you have death tho? Unless ToB and later CoX are a comp requirement ofc, but I'd assume lots of people would already have finished this before they get that rare af mstone.
But with death and comp unlocked, the logical path to me would be to go on the long grind to getting every skill 2b. The next goal would be maxing a HCIM, and if you're a madman, make another UIM, play it as if it only had one life like HCIMs, and max that. Die = new acc

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Re: UIM Dream Gear

Post by Monys » Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:25 pm

Lieven wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:17 pm
Cancerstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:26 pm until you want to go to tob.... or when death isnt allowed in cox and you need to go gather all your gear again
y grind raids as ironman if you have death tho? Unless ToB and later CoX are a comp requirement ofc, but I'd assume lots of people would already have finished this before they get that rare af mstone.
But with death and comp unlocked, the logical path to me would be to go on the long grind to getting every skill 2b. The next goal would be maxing a HCIM, and if you're a madman, make another UIM, play it as if it only had one life like HCIMs, and max that. Die = new acc
There is only 1 person crazy enough to do this and have it done by end of 2021 and that is @Nazuths

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