Great staff member, often took blame/did the bitchwork tasks as a mod for Hamade who motivated him to do so with the promise of great reward (e.g. promotions). Ultimately passed him up for other people over and over for almost 3 years before Tom decided it wasn't worth it. He was in the same position as me, the only reason I'm advisor now is because the staff manager changed and I actually got admin (::post 77606 more or less conveys what people thought of us). I was contemplating resignation at the time as well, i just managed to stay around at the right time. So no one cared when Tomas got the items because it was near-unanimously agreed that he deserved something anyways, but since most of those people are gone it's easy to forget (and also to decide that it doesn't matter at all). In the end, it makes sense that you don't buy the other side of the argument (though I hope it's not as vague now). Pkhonor was/is game that a lot of older players grew up with, so there's fair sentimental value attached there as well. It is "just a game" in the end, but given the amount of time and effort many put into it (especially as kids), the game (and by extension, its items/ranks) is a part of who they were growing up. Dismissing it over yell with chiding remarks about "feeling special" is great if you're just looking to vent, but irrelevant to the argument.Thelategamer wrote: Still don't understand why you're more special than any other player or why you were GIVEN these items in the first place.
This all illustrates the impasse here - indeed, it's a better community decision to reintroduce the items. However, this is done in spite of shafting a handful of players - the idea one can come out of this with full moral high-ground is wishful. There's no need to try and justify it, it's being done because it can be done and it'll be better for the many as opposed to the few. It's great from a utilitarian perspective; the tough part about making decisions like these is that someone's always gonna lose out. If not for people trying to convince him to be okay with it I'd have left it at my first comment. There's fair reason to not be okay with it and to raise equally fair objections.