22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Thu May 24, 2018 9:58 pm

Nike007 wrote:Everyone keeps saying, this doesn't benefit only PvP, it benefits PvM as well. Please show me how healing/potting SLOWER makes PvMing BETTER. It just doesn't correlate that way.
Incorrect. Healing is actually faster than it was before. You limit yourself to using only brews because that’s what you’re used to. Fact is, you can brew, rocktail, and karambwan in 1 tick as opposed to only being able to brew rocktail in one tick. 57hp is the new healing rate for 1 tick, 39 is the old healing rate.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Keiler05 » Thu May 24, 2018 10:06 pm

Cancerstick wrote:
Fungamer wrote:How can you even say the majority wanted the change? We have no system to poll at all. I'm guessing the majority probably would prefer an easier, more laid back, PvM experience. I totally agree that people have differing opinions, but you don't speak for the majority..
Wrong - we do have a polling system. I speak for the majority based on the results provided in the thread below. The thread below is located under the “Polls” section on the forums.

This poll was solely for Karambwans. If you actually read the post you will see that the potion change was coming regardless of what we wanted.
Because that's a fix, not an addition or piece of new content. Nobody wants Mike to start polling bugfixes. Sure, some oppose the "fix", but that's because it benefits the majority rather than being a bad, gamebreaking bug. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed.
Then can we "fix" how long herbs take to grow? They don't grow as slow as in OS. Can we "fix" the rarity of clue scrolls, they drop far less commonly as compared to OS. If it needed to be fixed, then why did it take so many years to "fix" it. And as far as the "majority poll" goes, yes it is a majority of people that saw and voted on the poll, however, I think 30 people is hardly the majority of the playerbase.

Come on guys, what else can we get "fixed" that has been a certain way for forever that didn't need to be changed except to appease the pkers *cough* minority*
Well Said! They keep this up and driving PVmers away in favor a small pking minority, pretty soon instead of NOPKhonor will just be NoHonor :P lol
Cancerstick wrote:
Adamthalion wrote:
Cancerstick wrote:Then can we "fix" how long herbs take to grow? They don't grow as slow as in OS. Can we "fix" the rarity of clue scrolls, they drop far less commonly as compared to OS. If it needed to be fixed, then why did it take so many years to "fix" it.
Those are features that have very little negative effects on the playerbase. 2 tick potions were a bug that created unbalanced PvP and PvM.
The same could be said about potions. The only negative effect was that you could drink them .6? sec faster. The skillers that join the server from OS should have to wait 10-15 minutes for a single patch of whatever to grow, that way it's an easier transition.

This can be said about EVERY SINGLE difference between PKHonor and OSRS.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that Mike can and will make whatever changes that he sees fit and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. It's just a little tilting to see the half ass reasonings behind changing one thing to be more like OS that didn't need to be changed. Who was complaining about it? WHY did it need to be changed? So that the 10 active pkers could "combo better"? Why have any difference in the game at all, if all that is going to happen is something is going to get changed to the "os way" whenever someone complains.
I'm in luv :thumbsup: ;) :D
Nike007 wrote:Umm yes, mostly for killing PvMers. It's not even close. New players won't get screwed because they are at a disadvantage because they don't know you can brew slightly faster. I genuinely hope you aren't being serious with that being your logic. They're going to get fucked because the gear gap is soooo different for new players to the few who pk. It's safe to say less than 10% of our player base actively pks. An update/nerf catered to < 10% of your player base is a shit business model.


I haven't died to a pker in the wildy in 6 + months, so I really don't care about that aspect of it. Make them 3 tick in wildy and 2 tick in PvM if this is really targeted to bring in pkers. And make better gear more accessible.
and increase the drop rate of clues to somewhat of a resemblance of how it was during 2014... This ultra Super rare thing is annoying lol. At least for irons
Slap a ho wrote:
Nike007 wrote:Everyone keeps saying, this doesn't benefit only PvP, it benefits PvM as well. Please show me how healing/potting SLOWER makes PvMing BETTER. It just doesn't correlate that way.
Incorrect. Healing is actually faster than it was before. You limit yourself to using only brews because that’s what you’re used to. Fact is, you can brew, rocktail, and karambwan in 1 tick as opposed to only being able to brew rocktail in one tick. 57hp is the new healing rate for 1 tick, 39 is the old healing rate.
so doing that now your trips will be shorter since you have to substitue a brew that heals 4 times 16hp, for a rocktail that heals 22...

I can agree to things being the way they're supposed to be. My gripe with it is, sometimes you create UNIQUE things that WORK, in this example was the brewing mechanic. Favorite thing on this server. It was a Unique "mistake" but cool and different nonetheless.

Like if somewone complained because the farming on this server is "too op" with a deposit box right next the herbs. That's another Unique feature I Enjoy!

The butler following you around in your house which is a bank. Not sure if other servers have it, but it is unique and cool (could be deemed "op" by the nolifers)

I hope you guys can see my point. I'm not putting my "interests' before the server. I hope this server continues to grow and maintain.. I don't want it to die and my 500+ hours on my account to be just vanished.. It is just sad to see something that made this server UNIQUE go, in favor of being "The Right WAY" and just being part of the herd.

The same argument Adam uses for "player attraction and retention" could be said with the change. What attracted me and retained me was the combat mechanic. What's to stop someone else who thinks like me, and loved that aspect of it, from just going for another server with way better pvming options where this brewing and overload mechanic doesn't exist since This just became the same as everyone else?
Last edited by Iron adam on Fri May 25, 2018 12:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Thu May 24, 2018 10:33 pm

Douche05 wrote:so doing that now your trips will be shorter since you have to substitue a brew that heals 4 times 16hp, for a rocktail that heals 22...
Try buying a souls whip or using soul split to extend your trips even further.

Sorry you’ll have to spare 5 minutes of your precious time to rebank & 5 more to get your 40 gwd kc.

Rocktails heal 23 btw.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Iron adam » Fri May 25, 2018 12:25 am

Please stop spamming quad and quintuple posts. my god lmao

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Keiler05 » Fri May 25, 2018 12:40 am

Circle Jerk ho wrote:
Douche05 wrote:so doing that now your trips will be shorter since you have to substitue a brew that heals 4 times 16hp, for a rocktail that heals 22...
Try buying a souls whip or using soul split to extend your trips even further.

Sorry you’ll have to spare 5 minutes of your precious time to rebank & 5 more to get your 40 gwd kc.

Rocktails heal 23 btw.
I'm an ironman. Best way to play the server since adding private instances for normals is "too op" and "muh eco".

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Fri May 25, 2018 12:48 am

Then use soul split lol. Idk what to tell you bud. You limit yourself by playing on an Ironman - that’s not my fault.

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