Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

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Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Yes, allow them to skip PvP tasks and complete 2x PvM/skilling tasks instead
No, don't allow them to skip the tasks
Undecided (or I simply don't care - just give us the achievements already)
Total votes: 124

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Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Mike » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:28 pm

Once the wilderness achievement diary has been released, there will be 2 parts to it: a PvM/skilling part and a PvP part. Regular players will need to complete both parts, while Ironman Mode players will need to complete 2x the amount of PvM/skilling tasks but won't need to complete any PvP tasks.

Since the biggest part of our community prefers to do PvM tasks rather than PK'ing - and a lot of people either don't want to or are simply bad at PK'ing - I would like to add the option for regular players to skip the PvP tasks and instead complete 2x the amount of PvM tasks, just like Ironman Mode players.

I am aware that this is quite a controversial poll. On one hand, "completing" a game would mean that you have participated in all aspects of the game, including the PK'ing aspect. On the other hand, PK'ing is the only part where there's a specific skill required in order to complete it (not taking boosting into account). People who truly aren't good at PK'ing, but who are being forced to due to the completionist cape requirements, would likely resort to some sort of boosting anyway. Also, although the PvP tasks are considerably more challenging, it should take far longer to complete a full set of PvM/skilling achievements than to complete the PvP achievements, thereby making it a balanced choice.

It is important to note that the outcome of this poll will not make the final decision. The poll results are merely an indicator of what the community thinks. The final decision will be made based on who presents the strongest arguments.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Isaac » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:33 pm

Although I would probably want this option because I largely PVM, I still think that a 'Completionist Cape' should engage with all aspects of the game. I was never a very good PKer, but the Comp Cape requirement got me into PKing, and now I actually quite enjoy it.

I think the purpose of the 'Wilderness Rejuvination' scheme of these diaries is to improve the PKing scene which is, quite frankly, dead at the moment. By giving the option for double PVM requirements it pits the two communities (PvM + PvP) against each other even more. It's a no from me.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Skiller » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:08 pm

Isaac said it wonderfully

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Billyx » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:14 pm

I agree with Isaac but I cannot Pk I'm not good at it so comp would would be bear impossible please allow us to do 2x the pvm tasks this would still mean there would be activity for pkers.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Iron adam » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:18 pm

If this is going to be a replacement for the 500 kill requirement, then regular players should have to do the pvp requirements. Pvp is part of 'completing' the game. Ironmen stand alone, so pvp is inherently not a part of their game mode. Double Pvm tasks for Ironmen makes sense. It does not make sense for regular players.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Andres » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:19 pm

Adamthalion wrote:If this is going to be a replacement for the 500 kill requirement, then regular players should have to do the pvp requirements. Pvp is part of 'completing' the game. Ironmen stand alone, so pvp is inherently not a part of their game mode. Double Pvm tasks for Ironmen makes sense. It does not make sense for regular players.

I support this statement.
Are things being reversed ? Regular players want easy mode? How dare you! :doge:

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Slap a ho » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:54 pm

Comp cape requiring pvp activities shows which players put forth the effort and skill to achieve the comp cape. Double pvm activities just means they clicked a Sara brew a few extra times.

Comp cape should be a reward for being a skilled player & putting effort into the game through pvp, instead of abusing our extremely easy pvm system by killing more NPCs and taking the easy route to use our OP capes.

At the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM, enchanted comp cape should require pvp activities.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Ruler » Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:48 pm

I agree with Isaac and Adam. If you want an end-game item, make it worth it to achieve. Although for some people the pvp task might be faster than 2x pvm tasks (although it would need an active wildy), I think the majority will go for the pvm tasks. Hell, I pk sometimes as well and I would go for the pvm task. Pvming is easy and quite afk-able with good gear. Pvping takes time and attention, can't half-ass afk that.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Troll n roll » Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:49 pm

What Isaac said.
Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Jousi » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:31 pm

Fat kids cannot skip physical education simply because they don't want to do running.

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