Forum update: new suggestion system!

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Re: Forum update: new suggestion system!

Post by Mike » Fri Oct 20, 2017 6:13 pm

The builder wrote:I like the new system, but I'm curious -- how much will the suggestions be followed? Like if you look right now, skilling pets have a +64 voting record. Will suggestions with a high ratio of acceptances be worked on more immediately, or will it be as it is now, where even things which are widely supported by the player base will be pushed aside for other things?

I don't mean to imply that the updates we're receiving aren't great, or supported/suggested by the community, I'm just trying to determine how the new voting system will be used by the devs in terms of how, what, and when things will be implemented.
For the time being, there are already a whole lot of things on our to-do list, so there's no lack of content ideas for us to work out. However, we do want to make sure that smaller suggestions with a lot of support are also included in in-between updates.

It also depends on other developers beside myself - we're hoping to find another new trial developer in the near future, who will probably be appointed a few tasks picked from the current in-game suggestions. Depending on Andres his schedule (which is currently quite busy due to school), he might also want to take a few of the popular game suggestions under his hood, but that's up to him.

Overall, the changes to our suggestions forum are more for us devs so we can more clearly see which suggestions are the most popular ones within the community - which was not always entirely clear with the previous suggestions system. Archived suggestions were also a bit of a problem, as they were still shown in the list of popular suggestions, a bug that we never managed to fix.

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Re: Forum update: new suggestion system!

Post by Skiller » Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:03 pm

Sounds like you are already thinking about this, which is nice to hear! I think we've spoken of it before, but is the to-do list publicly available? Could be cool for players to get hyped up for content that will be released in the near future, aside from just the Developer's Blog posts.

How are you conducting the search for the new trial dev? Do you have some people in mind among whom you are debating, or will you be opening the position's applications to a wider community?

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Re: Forum update: new suggestion system!

Post by Migetmanz » Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:27 pm

ooo forums updates :)

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Re: Forum update: new suggestion system!

Post by Gethigh udie » Sat Oct 21, 2017 2:19 am

Love it. :thumbsup: Great job :jiggly:
