Wilderness achievements & additions

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Respire1337 » Tue May 23, 2017 11:05 pm

Would a number of those 500 wildy kills before the diaries compensate for the pking part? And to be trully honest, these diaries would make comp even harder to get than 500 player kills, but at the same time it would make getting the comp cape even more fun and even more of a grind. Any date when the diaries would be implemented? Or just it's just very soon?( a few weeks, months)

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by A iron girl » Tue May 23, 2017 11:06 pm

Rapsey wrote:I'm hoping someone can come up with a few PvP challenges that require certain gear, or maybe better yet, challenges for which you can't use some equipment. PK'ers, if there's any items you'd like to see more or less of in the wilderness, here's your chance. Of course for the sake of simplicity it would be best to use things that are brief (i.e. cw armor, third-age etc) rather than having a list of 30 individual items.
no food allowed! jk
Maybe get 20 kills with 2 food or less? or something along those lines.

Also I feel there should be boss kc requirement as well.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by A iron girl » Tue May 23, 2017 11:07 pm

A iron girl wrote:
Rapsey wrote:I'm hoping someone can come up with a few PvP challenges that require certain gear, or maybe better yet, challenges for which you can't use some equipment. PK'ers, if there's any items you'd like to see more or less of in the wilderness, here's your chance. Of course for the sake of simplicity it would be best to use things that are brief (i.e. cw armor, third-age etc) rather than having a list of 30 individual items.
no food allowed! jk
Maybe get 20 kills with 2 food or less left in your inventory? or something along those lines.

Also I feel there should be boss kc requirement as well.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Grizzly mint » Tue May 23, 2017 11:08 pm

i agree with james on the mage bank kills. i have over 4k kills spread on multiple accounts and i doubt i have more than 50 near mage bank.

And the DFS requirement will most definitely be boosted considering 95% of pkers use a dfs while pking.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Wir3d » Tue May 23, 2017 11:18 pm

Mike wrote: I played with the idea of allowing players to substitute certain PvP tasks with the 500 kills they have so far, but since a lot (if not most) of those are boosted anyway, we may want to have everyone redo all tasks. We haven't made a final decision on that yet.
Highly doubt "most" of the 500 kills are boosted. People earned them legit or got serviced and were a few of those that boosted because they were too lazy to do pk or pay someone to do it for them..

But talking about the wilderness diaries, I would suggest:
-Change the tier 7 to tier 10, and have them get it 3 times. This would allow them to turn it in for higher bh points and get items from shops to sell and make money. 7 is too low in my opinion, as you can get that in a day easily, if not less, especially if you are ranked on pking leaderboards and have the double tier per bh kill advantage.
-Change the mage arena kills to deep wildy, above the fence and i think thats located at lvl 49-50?
-Barrows sets pk, only barrows mainly used is dh, unless you are bridding but it's not a full set, could you elaborate more on what a person would need to obtain this kill. Like would they need to wear full set for ko to count as kill or, do certain amount of damage with the full set and can get a ko with any other weapon of their choosing? Seems kinda difficult to try to get a ko with certain barrows armour.
-Increase the amount of dragon bones\ hand cannons you get, seems too low, 500-1k atleast imo. Get lucky couple times at rev dragon and they drop 100 a time pretty quick, you can have that done too quickly.
-Increase the kc on wildy bosses from their current requirements.

-Get a kill streak of 5-10? that be nice to see and hard to boost against.
-Streak of bh targets?
-Try to get kills with certain weapons? dds, ags, claws, etc. Be fun to see people out there using anything else other than korasi.
An Iron Noob wrote:This server would be way more successful, have greater player retention, and better, more positive vibes if it weren't for Nazuths and roddycc.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by A iron girl » Tue May 23, 2017 11:26 pm

What do you guys think of allowing those what have finished comp to be able to equip comp for a month after the diaries update (and if they have not completed the diary by then, the will no longer be able to equip the cape)

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Kory pk » Tue May 23, 2017 11:28 pm

Those PvP requirements would take way longer than the PvM(especially the 100 kills near mb), allow anyone to choose between getting the PvM or PvP reqs maybe?

Also maybe there should be some sort of substitute to the people who have already put in the time for the PvP requirement for current comp cape. That way the people who already put in the time aren't put back on the same level as those who haven't.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Iron sticks » Tue May 23, 2017 11:32 pm

The PvM tasks so far are as follows (double of each for Ironman):
Kill Venenatis 5 times in a row without logging out or leaving the wilderness
Complete the Wilderness Agility course 100 times while wearing a spottier cape
why tho? thats 10 veneatis kills in a row, without banking on an ironman. I'd like to see any normal player do this with basic ironman setups.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Cozeruk » Tue May 23, 2017 11:35 pm

Complete the Wilderness Agility course 100 times while wearing a spottier cape
I really can't be arsed to run around the course 200 times in spottier cape, while im on 206m agi exp, I'll do this if you bring jungle back.

There's just such a low point in doing this, with comp its a 200m skill already and you just run around for ~0 exp gain to be free pks?

Obtain a Treasonous Ring from Venenatis
Obtain a Tyrannical Ring from Callisto
I also feel RNG shouldn't play this big a factor, to get 2 rings from these your kills could vary so much, for me as an ironman I'd say 200 kills should be enough, but 2
rings might well take me like 400 or more....
Last edited by Cozeruk on Tue May 23, 2017 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Rick » Tue May 23, 2017 11:35 pm

How are you planning Wilderness achievement diaries? Is it for the comp cape only? Are you planning other achievement diaries aswell? Will it be easy/med/hard/eite diaries?

Could you give more information regarding achievement diaries and its future concept perhaps?

For example:

- Cut 250 magic logs in the Resource Area
- Fish 250 Dark Crabs in the resource area
- Mine 250 runite ore in the resource area
- Kill the Chaos ele
- Use the Teleport obelisk 5x

Could come up with medium tasks, hard tasks etc.

Example hard or elite:

- Kill Venenatis 200x
- Kill Chaos Ele 200x
- Kill Callisto 200x
- Visit all places using the teleport obelisk

These are just achievements to "complete" the game.

Do you plan a "full" achievement diary concept like RS in multiple places on the world?

Jagex released an Achievement Diary cape and a trimmed quest cape too, both capes are insidemour client already so achievements really do have alot of potential and can be made into "big" content that could create several hours/days of gameplay if you want it really elite.

Example as elite (long term content)
- obtain all boss pet
- obtain all possible drops from Nex (or all bosses?)
- Build all possible rooms in your POH

See you could make this whole concept in great content thats acually fun to do and if you release the achievement cape as reward for ALL diaries done including some real elite stuff, people have something to go for :)

Sorry was quite excited about the whole concept..
