Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Discuss anything and everything about PkHonor.

Should other players be able to attack Irons while they fight an instanced boss?

Yes, simply move all spawn locations to multi-combat zones
Yes, keep them in single zones but allow others to defy the rules of single-combat zones and always allow them to 'PJ' an Iron from their boss
No, keep it as it is - the risk for Irons should in between boss kills
Total votes: 41

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Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Mike » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:30 pm

So, one thing related to the instanced boss spawns in the wilderness (for Ironman Mode players) sort of needs to be decided yet. I had thought before to allow players to just PJ an iron while they're fighting a boss, but that would defy the rule of single-combat zones.

So far, there is only one NPC that defies single combat zone rules, which is the WildyWyrm. Anyone can attack a WW and players can be PJ'ed while fighting a WW, but that's the only exception in the whole server (which we made so we don't affect single- and multicombat zones in the wilderness).

Anyway, as with all official polls, it's not the end result of this poll that's the most important. Reasoning behind the decision is more important, so bring your arguments out and let's decide what we're going to do with Ironman PvM in the wilderness.

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Im on meth
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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Im on meth » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:52 pm

I think they should all be multi zones but in addition, they shouldn't all be in low wilderness like they are now.

I think the best route to take is when talking to the NPC that spawns a WW, it should spawn randomly at one of the possible spawn locations for the regular WW. That way, they'd all be multi and evenly high and low wilderness levels, just like it is for regular players.

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Grizzly mint
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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Grizzly mint » Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:07 am

I don't see why you just add an NPC to the original spot that's spawns that specific boss. normal players have to go deep and into multi to kill the bosses. Irons now have their own which is what they wanted. Don't make it even easier by not only putting all of them in singles, but also below 30 wilderness.

A iron girl
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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by A iron girl » Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:12 am

lol all ironman vote for last option!!!!!!

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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Iron saitama » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:07 am

Middle option makes the most sense to me. Not all ww spawns for normal players are in multi, and making it possible for players to PJ irons off the boss seems fair.

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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by A iron girl » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:24 am

Firstly, the low level spawner in singles is too good (The 28 and 22). We could either re-position those or just remove them entirely. If this is done I think the ww timer is no longer necessary.
Secondly, we camp ww for the elites not for pkp as everyone thats camping them had way too much pkp before this spawner update anyway.
As for those voicing the opinion that all these pkp can affect the eco when ironmen gets killed, how about when ironmen kill other players and those items just vanish completely leaving the eco?

speaking of ironmen pking, this brings up a great suggestion i have to make sense of the 500 kills comp requirement for ironman as well as almost double the wildy activity. check out ::thread 64931 for more details.

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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Wir3d » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:30 am

No reason that ironman should have it easier than normal players. It's suppose to be a challenge to play as an ironman. Move all spots deeper in wildy since normal players have to be there to pvm.
An Iron Noob wrote:This server would be way more successful, have greater player retention, and better, more positive vibes if it weren't for Nazuths and roddycc.

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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Iron saitama » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:43 am

Wir3d wrote:No reason that ironman should have it easier than normal players. It's suppose to be a challenge to play as an ironman. Move all spots deeper in wildy since normal players have to be there to pvm.
I agree irons shouldn't have it easier, but normal ww has 10+ spawns all under lvl 30 wild. Leaving atleast 1 summoner under level 30 wilderness should be considered.

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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Wir3d » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:47 am

Leave the one by red spiders level 28 wildy, multi. Since they can spawn ele and kbd.. they are multi for normal players so they should be multi for irons.

also Keep a 2-3 min spawn timer on summoners to spawn ww, and 15 seconds on kbd and ele?
An Iron Noob wrote:This server would be way more successful, have greater player retention, and better, more positive vibes if it weren't for Nazuths and roddycc.

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Re: Ironman and instanced bosses in the wilderness

Post by Iron saitama » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:01 am

Wir3d wrote:Leave the one by red spiders level 28 wildy, multi. Since they can spawn ele and kbd.. they are multi for normal players so they should be multi for irons.

also Keep a 2-3 min spawn timer on summoners to spawn ww, and 15 seconds on kbd and ele?

I can get behind that. as for the 15 seconds, I thought it was decided to just make the timer the same time it takes for the normal kbd and ww to respawn.
