Glacor location

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How should Glacors be altered?

Keep them where they are
Keep them in the wilderness, but in a multi-combat zone (note: it would still not be possible for 2 players to kill the same glacor)
Same as above (multicombat wild) but move them further away from each other
Move them out of the wilderness but put the entrance in a faraway spot in deep wild
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Glacor location

Post by Mike » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:01 pm

Now that we've had a bit of discussion on the topic of our recently released Glacors, I believe it's time to put this to a poll. Also please state why you have chosen a certain option, because the reasoning behind it is at least as important as what the 'popular opinion' is.

Note that the issues of 'A Glacor PJ'ing another Glacor' will be addressed in the next update.

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Basicallybad » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:03 pm

The fact that while your trying to kill glacors and you can get pked after your kill would get quite tedious, but pking activity needs encouraging..
Putting the location in wildy with a non pvp cave seems best option to have both.

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Re: Glacor location

Post by H1 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:04 pm

Same as above (multicombat wild) but move them further away from each other

To make the deep wild more active.
fams <3

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Rawr » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:11 pm

Multi-combat, please :)

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Brandt » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:14 pm

Basicallybad wrote:The fact that while your trying to kill glacors and you can get pked after your kill would get quite tedious, but pking activity needs encouraging..
Putting the location in wildy with a non pvp cave seems best option to have both.
Couldn't have said it better myself, support. I, too, agree that it'd be a bad idea to revert the glacor area to a multi-combat zone.
Last edited by Brandt on Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Amount » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:16 pm

It's great that you're taking community input on board... can't give enough props.

It's pretty essential to have some sort of attraction for players to enter the wilderness, though I'm not sure Glacors are suitable to this end... their drops (valued at > 5B now) don't present enough of an incentive.

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Rawr » Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:09 pm

Basicallybad wrote:The fact that while your trying to kill glacors and you can get pked after your kill would get quite tedious, but pking activity needs encouraging..
Putting the location in wildy with a non pvp cave seems best option to have both.
Putting them in a safe cave makes it ridiculously easy...

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Torey lanez » Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:24 pm

Rawr wrote:
Basicallybad wrote:The fact that while your trying to kill glacors and you can get pked after your kill would get quite tedious, but pking activity needs encouraging..
Putting the location in wildy with a non pvp cave seems best option to have both.
Putting them in a safe cave makes it ridiculously easy...

You play a server that has no current stable peak time, there's little to no activity torwards the upper end of the glaciors. With that being said, putting them in a "safe" cavern would defeat the purpose of having them in the wild. No one is going to camp the entrance for hours just to get a whole 2-3 kills. Even then, its not hard to tank anyone if they decided to attack you outside of it.

I personally think they should stay in the general area of where they are, but more forwards the north side of the gate, making them multi (close to agility course).

Then, you'd have an easy way of getting there (like you already do by using kbd tele, but instead could now use the agility course tele) and a way to leave via mage bank.
F3arme wrote:also I have some great impressions I can use at a party to avoid awkward pauses

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Ruler » Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:05 pm

My preference would be non-multi, but not close to an obelisk or something. This means you can finish your glacor wihout getting pked, not getting multied by glacor+multiple pkers, but still a bit risky.

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Re: Glacor location

Post by Kalista » Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:11 pm

Definitely a cave in deep wild but they wouldn't be in the wilderness. This makes it so there's still a little pk activity (Although I still don't understand why glacors have to be the monsters to boost pk activity, as they have nothing to do with the wilderness in runescape) They shouldn't have been in the wild in the first place imo. Also I'd prefer if there was atleast one in the morph realm, as quite a lot of people with death sell most of their armor and weapons when they get it, and just use death to pvm.
