Castle wars rewards (third thread)

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Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Mike » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:07 am

After quite a bit of thinking and discussing with other people, we've come up with some new developments in regards to the Castle Wars rewards.
Here's what we've come up with, which we hope the community will approve of, while not hurting the server in any way in the long run, as well as motivating people to keep on playing Castle Wars (without forcing anyone to).

I did not include a poll this time, because I already know that most people will vote for "make it stronger and cheaper and don't let it degrade at all". Instead, if you wish to improve on our suggestions, please post your opinion on this thread. If you use a good reasoning and can convince us your ideas are better than what we have so far, we'll definitely take them into account.

Hybrid armour
- Can be used in the wilderness
- The armour can be charged. It already has decent stats at 0% charge (so you don't need to charge it to use it) and these stats increase as your charge it further. Charges are obtained by wearing the armour while playing Castle Wars and decrease when wearing it in combat elsewhere. The armour can be charged beyond 100%, at which point your armour stats no longer increase, but you'll be able to keep the max stats for longer.
The higher you charge it, the longer it takes to obtain charges. See table below for how long it would take for armour to charge up (what you see is the total time needed to reach a certain charge %):
Spoiler: show
- You lose 10% charge every 3 hours you're in combat outside CW (10% every 6 hours when used outside the wilderness)
- On death, the armour loses 10% charges and goes into your refund box where you can reclaim it for 500M coins apiece (except for the gloves which only cost 100M). The killer will receive 500M coins as a drop instead of your armour.
- Stats for the armour:
At 0% charge:
Spoiler: show
At 50% charge:
Spoiler: show
At 100% - 200% charge:
Spoiler: show
Note: I know these stats are weaker than suggested before, and some may find them too weak, but we can always make them stronger later on if they are found to be too weak. Better this way than make them too strong at first and have to make them weaker later on (because nobody would like that).

- Prices for the pieces would be as follows:
Top: 1 Morrigan's Leather body 100 + 1 Torag's platebody + 1 Karil's Leathertop + 500 CW tickets
Legs: 1 Morrigan's Leather chaps 100 + 1 Torag's platelegs + 1 Karil's Leatherskirt + 400 CW tickets
Helm: 1 Morrigan's Coif 100 + 1 Torag's Fullhelm + 1 Karil's coif + 300 CW tickets
Boots: 1 pair of Bandos boots + 1 pair of Ranger boots + 200 CW tickets
Gloves: 1 pair of Barrows Gloves + 200 CW tickets

Top: 1 Vesta's Chainbody 100 + 1 Torag's platebody + 1 Ahrim's Robetop + 500 CW tickets
Legs: 1 Vesta's Plateskirt 100 + 1 Torag's platelegs + 1 Ahrim's Robeskirt + 400 CW tickets
Helm: 1 Statius' Fullhelm 100 + 1 Torag's Fullhelm + 1 Ahrim's hood + 300 CW tickets
Boots: 1 pair of Infinity boots + 1 pair of Dragon boots + 200 CW tickets
Gloves: 1 pair of Barrows Gloves + 200 CW tickets

Top: 1 Zuriel's Robetop 100 + 1 Ahrim's Robetop + 1 Karil's Leathertop + 500 CW tickets
Legs: 1 Zuriel's Robe bottom 100 + 1 Ahrim's Robeskirt + 1 Karil's Leatherskirt + 400 CW tickets
Helm: 1 Zuriel's' Hood 100 + 1 Ahrim's hood + 1 Karil's coif + 300 CW tickets
Boots: 1 pair of Infinity boots + 1 pair of Ranger boots + 400 CW tickets
Gloves: 1 pair of Barrows Gloves + 200 CW tickets

God bows (Saradomin, Zamorak, Guthix)
Each bow costs 1 Zaryte bow + 500 CW tickets
Has the same attack speed (3.6 seconds per shot), ranged strength (+115) and ranged bonus (+120) as a Zaryte bow and does not need arrows.
However, if you're wearing god arrows of the same type (which are dropped by GWD minions and bosses), then these arrows will be used up to give you +5 ranged strength and increase your prayer points by 10% of the damage dealt.
Wearing a god bow in GWD will offer protection from the minions of the same type.

Halos (Saradomin, Zamorak, Guthix)
Each halo costs 300 CW tickets, decreases the rate at which your prayer drains with 33%, offers protection from GWD minions of the same type and increases your ranged strength with a god bow of the same type with +10

- I had initially forgotten that you can indeed not wear the helmets in a castle wars game. That being said, I'd like to exclude the helmets from charges (and not make them degrade either) but make them cost quite a bit more CW tickets.
- I had forgotten to mention that wearing a full set will offer you 20% accuracy boost for melee and ranged (for vanguard), melee and magic (for battle-mage) or ranged and magic (for trickster). That way, the boots and gloves are really worth it.
- Winning a game of castle wars will usually award you 10 - 20 tickets (depending on how many people were in the game - you can even get up to 30 tickets if both teams are big). A draw gives you half that, a loss gives 1/4th.

Furthermore, I like the suggestion of actions in the game (such as attacking enemies, capturing flags etc.) awarding charges rather than just in-game time, to counteract afk'ing.
Lastly, I understand people may be reluctant to spend a lot of time charging armour. I'd be willing to add 50% charged armour in the shops instead of 0%, but then I'd have to crank up their prices quite a bit. In the end, it's pretty much the same, really (though players may not always perceive it as such).
As for the charge and discharge times, that could use some more discussion and feedback. The main point we wanted to make is that most people wouldn't need to spend a lot of time charging the armour if they don't want to, but if they want, they can spend a lot of time on it just to make it stronger and better. It doesn't necessarily have to be like I suggested it, but we want to make something that dedicated players can spend a lot of time on if they want, but casual players have no need for.

I will not comment on other rewards for the time being. If I keep adding more rewards than I have already suggested, you can forget about it being released before October. So please let's just focus on what we have so far, so I can release it Tuesday. We can always add more rewards later and I don't want to keep delaying it much longer.

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Vik » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:12 am

The grind for these sets is going to be super fun!

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Azu rite » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:14 am

How can you charge the helmets?
Considering you can't wear them in the games

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Hayden » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:20 am

I like these ideas, support to all of them.

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Taiga » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:21 am

Oh this sounds good :3

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Megumin » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:29 am

I literally read "Torva" I was going to say FUCK THIS SHIT

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by The underdog » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:33 am

Let the merch begin!

But how many tickets do you obtain for a match? Is it a set amount or can you obtain more if you capture flags for example.

//bonecrusher pls :)
Last edited by The underdog on Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Rawr » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:36 am

Neither gloves nor boots are particularly useful on their own, shouldn't both have the decreased costs to reclaim? I like your idea for how the items will work though, but perhaps to add a small money sink, the killer could only receive 50% of the reclaim value as a drop?

As for God Bows, I must admit I am disappointed that they don't have any unique special attacks of any kind. They don't really seem to be worth it, from what I can tell so far. To make them a viable option, they need something extra to compensate for the lack of shield and barely better stats than a Zaryte Bow. Giving them all a Magic Shortbow special attack (usable only with arrows) + something extra that is unique to each bow would help to boost their appeal considerably. I like the idea of Sara having permanent Smite effect, Zammy having a slight boost to damage (increased max of 2-3) and Guthix having the chance to poison (same standard as a DDS).

Halos look interesting too. They may have a use in PVM, but I'm not sure. If they could allow you to keep all your items on death (but the Halo disappears), they might have a purpose. They'd only work like that in PVM of course. I just can't see them having much use at the moment.

Can't wait for the release!

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Kylo ren » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:47 am

Not sure how I feel about the actual requirement to trade in items + tickets for the armor pieces, especially the God Bows (although this is rather selfish of me because I haven't done the quests yet).

Essentially, this is going to cost Castle Wars tickets, as well as PkHonor Points.

Though, I think it's all pretty good.

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Re: Castle wars rewards (third thread)

Post by Rick » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:47 am

Sounds really good.

However the bows should maybe get a special attack (magic short?)
